Sunday 17 June 2012


A friend lent me a mountaineering book the other day - I used to mainline on them but this was one I hadn't read before.  I polished it off in about 2 days and the disaster was complete.  I am now nearly finished reading "Into Thin Air" for the second time.  When I saw Martin this morning at church, he said to me:  "Why be satisfied with just reading about it...why not come with me to Nepal this September?"

To say I was distracted for the rest of the Sunday meeting is an understatement.  That I am enticed and even sorely tempted is not up for debate.  Will I have the courage to make a decision, to step out in to the unknown?  To turn theoretical interest and dreamy sentiment into bold action?  "All men dream but not equally..." said T.E. Lawrence.

Having the courage isn't just about putting up with a bit of pain and discomfort for 3 weeks - bad food, stomach upsets, blisters, heat and cold.  It's about spending the money.  Buying the equipment.  Turning one's back on possible income and saying "this is worth it" regardless.  It's about "get busy living or get busy dying".  In short, even though it would be spending on myself - it would be a step of faith nonetheless.

And it's about Lisa...leaving her alone for 3 weeks.  Knowing that we'll both feel it.  She's been most encouraging and said there should be little debate about whether I go or not.  DJ wants me to go - heck, I want DJ to go - but there's some doubt over his fitness since he got re-booted a few weeks ago.   His heart specialist will rule either way tomorrow.

Anyway, when I took the dogs for a walk today, I didn't wear my usual flip flops.  I wore my hiking boots instead.

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